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Modeling of stochastic motion of bacteria propelled spherical microbeads




Author(s): Arabagi, Veaceslav and Behkam, Bahareh and Cheung, Eugene and Sitti, Metin
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics
Volume: 109
Number (issue): 11
Pages: 114702
Year: 2011
Publisher: AIP

Department(s): Physische Intelligenz
Research Project(s): Bacteria-powered biohybrid microswimmers
Bibtex Type: Article (article)


  title = {Modeling of stochastic motion of bacteria propelled spherical microbeads},
  author = {Arabagi, Veaceslav and Behkam, Bahareh and Cheung, Eugene and Sitti, Metin},
  journal = {Journal of Applied Physics},
  volume = {109},
  number = {11},
  pages = {114702},
  publisher = {AIP},
  year = {2011},
  doi = {}