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STAR: A Sparse Trained Articulated Human Body Regressor


We propose STAR, a realistic human body with a learned set of sparse and spatially local pose corrective blend shapes. STAR addresses many of the drawbacks of the widely used SMPL model despite having an order of magnitude fewer parameters. The code released includes the model implementation in Tensorflow, PyTorch, and Chumpy.

Author(s): Ahmed A. A. Osman, Timo Bolkart and Michael J. Black
Department(s): Perzeptive Systeme
Research Projects(s): Human Body Models
Authors: Ahmed A. A. Osman, Timo Bolkart and Michael J. Black
Maintainers: Ahmed A. A. Osman
Release Date: 2020-08-26
Version: 1.1
Repository: https://github.com/ahmedosman/STAR