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Modeling Shank Tissue Properties and Quantifying Body Composition with a Wearable Actuator-Accelerometer Set

Rokhmanova, N., Martus, J., Faulkner, R., Fiene, J., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Extended abstract (1 page) presented at the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting (ASB), Madison, USA, August 2024 (misc) Accepted


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Project Page [BibTex]

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Adapting a High-Fidelity Simulation of Human Skin for Comparative Touch Sensing

Schulz, A., Serhat, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Extended abstract (1 page) presented at the American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting (ASB), Madison, USA, August 2024 (misc) Accepted




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Reflectance Outperforms Force and Position in Model-Free Needle Puncture Detection

L’Orsa, R., Bisht, A., Yu, L., Murari, K., Westwick, D. T., Sutherland, G. R., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

In Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, USA, July 2024 (inproceedings) Accepted

The surgical procedure of needle thoracostomy temporarily corrects accidental over-pressurization of the space between the chest wall and the lungs. However, failure rates of up to 94.1% have been reported, likely because this procedure is done blind: operators estimate by feel when the needle has reached its target. We believe instrumented needles could help operators discern entry into the target space, but limited success has been achieved using force and/or position to try to discriminate needle puncture events during simulated surgical procedures. We thus augmented our needle insertion system with a novel in-bore double-fiber optical setup. Tissue reflectance measurements as well as 3D force, torque, position, and orientation were recorded while two experimenters repeatedly inserted a bevel-tipped percutaneous needle into ex vivo porcine ribs. We applied model-free puncture detection to various filtered time derivatives of each sensor data stream offline. In the held-out test set of insertions, puncture-detection precision improved substantially using reflectance measurements compared to needle insertion force alone (3.3-fold increase) or position alone (11.6-fold increase).


Project Page [BibTex]

Project Page [BibTex]

{HOLD}: Category-agnostic {3D} Reconstruction of Interacting Hands and Objects from Video
HOLD: Category-agnostic 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands and Objects from Video

(Accepted as Highlight: Top 11.9%)

Fan, Z., Parelli, M., Kadoglou, M. E., Kocabas, M., Chen, X., Black, M. J., Hilliges, O.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)


Paper Project Code [BibTex]

Paper Project Code [BibTex]

{EMAGE}: Towards Unified Holistic Co-Speech Gesture Generation via Expressive Masked Audio Gesture Modeling
EMAGE: Towards Unified Holistic Co-Speech Gesture Generation via Expressive Masked Audio Gesture Modeling

Liu, H., Zhu, Z., Becherini, G., Peng, Y., Su, M., Zhou, Y., Zhe, X., Iwamoto, N., Zheng, B., Black, M. J.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

We propose EMAGE, a framework to generate full-body human gestures from audio and masked gestures, encompassing facial, local body, hands, and global movements. To achieve this, we first introduce BEAT2 (BEAT-SMPLX-FLAME), a new mesh-level holistic co-speech dataset. BEAT2 combines a MoShed SMPL-X body with FLAME head parameters and further refines the modeling of head, neck, and finger movements, offering a community-standardized, high-quality 3D motion captured dataset. EMAGE leverages masked body gesture priors during training to boost inference performance. It involves a Masked Audio Gesture Transformer, facilitating joint training on audio-to-gesture generation and masked gesture reconstruction to effectively encode audio and body gesture hints. Encoded body hints from masked gestures are then separately employed to generate facial and body movements. Moreover, EMAGE adaptively merges speech features from the audio's rhythm and content and utilizes four compositional VQ-VAEs to enhance the results' fidelity and diversity. Experiments demonstrate that EMAGE generates holistic gestures with state-of-the-art performance and is flexible in accepting predefined spatial-temporal gesture inputs, generating complete, audio-synchronized results. Our code and dataset are available.


arXiv project dataset code gradio colab video [BibTex]

arXiv project dataset code gradio colab video [BibTex]

{HUGS}: Human Gaussian Splats
HUGS: Human Gaussian Splats

Kocabas, M., Chang, R., Gabriel, J., Tuzel, O., Ranjan, A.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

Recent advances in neural rendering have improved both training and rendering times by orders of magnitude. While these methods demonstrate state-of-the-art quality and speed, they are designed for photogrammetry of static scenes and do not generalize well to freely moving humans in the environment. In this work, we introduce Human Gaussian Splats (HUGS) that represents an animatable human together with the scene using 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). Our method takes only a monocular video with a small number of (50-100) frames, and it automatically learns to disentangle the static scene and a fully animatable human avatar within 30 minutes. We utilize the SMPL body model to initialize the human Gaussians. To capture details that are not modeled by SMPL (e.g., cloth, hairs), we allow the 3D Gaussians to deviate from the human body model. Utilizing 3D Gaussians for animated humans brings new challenges, including the artifacts created when articulating the Gaussians. We propose to jointly optimize the linear blend skinning weights to coordinate the movements of individual Gaussians during animation. Our approach enables novel-pose synthesis of human and novel view synthesis of both the human and the scene. We achieve state-of-the-art rendering quality with a rendering speed of 60 FPS while being ∼100× faster to train over previous work.


arXiv Github Project Page YouTube Poster [BibTex]

arXiv Github Project Page YouTube Poster [BibTex]

{SCULPT}: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-dependent Clothed and Textured Human Meshes
SCULPT: Shape-Conditioned Unpaired Learning of Pose-dependent Clothed and Textured Human Meshes

Sanyal, S., Ghosh, P., Yang, J., Black, M. J., Thies, J., Bolkart, T.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

We present SCULPT, a novel 3D generative model for clothed and textured 3D meshes of humans. Specifically, we devise a deep neural network that learns to represent the geometry and appearance distribution of clothed human bodies. Training such a model is challenging, as datasets of textured 3D meshes for humans are limited in size and accessibility. Our key observation is that there exist medium-sized 3D scan datasets like CAPE, as well as large-scale 2D image datasets of clothed humans and multiple appearances can be mapped to a single geometry. To effectively learn from the two data modalities, we propose an unpaired learning procedure for pose-dependent clothed and textured human meshes. Specifically, we learn a pose-dependent geometry space from 3D scan data. We represent this as per vertex displacements w.r.t. the SMPL model. Next, we train a geometry conditioned texture generator in an unsupervised way using the 2D image data. We use intermediate activations of the learned geometry model to condition our texture generator. To alleviate entanglement between pose and clothing type, and pose and clothing appearance, we condition both the texture and geometry generators with attribute labels such as clothing types for the geometry, and clothing colors for the texture generator. We automatically generated these conditioning labels for the 2D images based on the visual question answering model BLIP and CLIP. We validate our method on the SCULPT dataset, and compare to state-of-the-art 3D generative models for clothed human bodies.


Project page Data Code Video Arxiv [BibTex]

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GraphDreamer: Compositional 3D Scene Synthesis from Scene Graphs

Gao, G., Liu, W., Chen, A., Geiger, A., Schölkopf, B.

The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2024 (conference) Accepted




{HIT}: Estimating Internal Human Implicit Tissues from the Body Surface
HIT: Estimating Internal Human Implicit Tissues from the Body Surface

Keller, M., Arora, V., Dakri, A., Chandhok, S., Machann, J., Fritsche, A., Black, M. J., Pujades, S.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

The creation of personalized anatomical digital twins is important in the fields of medicine, computer graphics, sports science, and biomechanics. To observe a subject's anatomy, expensive medical devices (MRI or CT) are required and the creation of the digital model is often time-consuming and involves manual effort. Instead, we leverage the fact that the shape of the body surface is correlated with the internal anatomy; for example, from surface observations alone, one can predict body composition and skeletal structure. In this work, we go further and learn to infer the 3D location of three important anatomic tissues: subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat), lean tissue (muscles and organs), and long bones. To learn to infer these tissues, we tackle several key challenges. We first create a dataset of human tissues by segmenting full-body MRI scans and registering the SMPL body mesh to the body surface. With this dataset, we train HIT (Human Implicit Tissues), an implicit function that, given a point inside a body, predicts its tissue class. HIT leverages the SMPL body model shape and pose parameters to canonicalize the medical data. Unlike SMPL, which is trained from upright 3D scans, the MRI scans are taken of subjects lying on a table, resulting in significant soft-tissue deformation. Consequently, HIT uses a learned volumetric deformation field that undoes these deformations. Since HIT is parameterized by SMPL, we can repose bodies or change the shape of subjects and the internal structures deform appropriately. We perform extensive experiments to validate HIT's ability to predict plausible internal structure for novel subjects. The dataset and HIT model are publicly available to foster future research in this direction.


Project page Paper [BibTex]

Project page Paper [BibTex]

{WHAM}: Reconstructing World-grounded Humans with Accurate {3D} Motion
WHAM: Reconstructing World-grounded Humans with Accurate 3D Motion

Shin, S., Kim, J., Halilaj, E., Black, M. J.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

The estimation of 3D human motion from video has progressed rapidly but current methods still have several key limitations. First, most methods estimate the human in camera coordinates. Second, prior work on estimating humans in global coordinates often assumes a flat ground plane and produces foot sliding. Third, the most accurate methods rely on computationally expensive optimization pipelines, limiting their use to offline applications. Finally, existing video-based methods are surprisingly less accurate than single-frame methods. We address these limitations with WHAM (World-grounded Humans with Accurate Motion), which accurately and efficiently reconstructs 3D human motion in a global coordinate system from video. WHAM learns to lift 2D keypoint sequences to 3D using motion capture data and fuses this with video features, integrating motion context and visual information. WHAM exploits camera angular velocity estimated from a SLAM method together with human motion to estimate the body's global trajectory. We combine this with a contact-aware trajectory refinement method that lets WHAM capture human motion in diverse conditions, such as climbing stairs. WHAM outperforms all existing 3D human motion recovery methods across multiple in-the-wild benchmarks. Code will be available for research purposes.


arXiv project code [BibTex]

arXiv project code [BibTex]

{WANDR}: Intention-guided Human Motion Generation
WANDR: Intention-guided Human Motion Generation

Diomataris, M., Athanasiou, N., Taheri, O., Wang, X., Hilliges, O., Black, M. J.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

Synthesizing natural human motions that enable a 3D human avatar to walk and reach for arbitrary goals in 3D space remains an unsolved problem with many applications. Existing methods (data-driven or using reinforcement learning) are limited in terms of generalization and motion naturalness.A primary obstacle is the scarcity of training data that combines locomotion with goal reaching. To address this, we introduce WANDR, a data-driven model that takes an avatar's initial pose and a goal's 3D position and generates natural human motions that place the end effector (wrist) on the goal location. To solve this, we introduce novel \textit{intention} features that drive rich goal-oriented movement. \textit{Intention} guides the agent to the goal, and interactively adapts the generation to novel situations without needing to define sub-goals or the entire motion path. Crucially, intention allows training on datasets that have goal-oriented motions as well as those that do not. WANDR is a conditional Variational Auto-Encoder (c-VAE), which we train using the AMASS and CIRCLE datasets. We evaluate our method extensively and demonstrate its ability to generate natural and long-term motions that reach 3D goals and generalize to unseen goal locations.


project website arXiv YouTube Video Code [BibTex]

project website arXiv YouTube Video Code [BibTex]

VAREN: Very Accurate and Realistic Equine Network
VAREN: Very Accurate and Realistic Equine Network

Zuffi, S., Mellbin, Y., Li, C., Hoeschle, M., Kjellstrom, H., Polikovsky, S., Hernlund, E., Black, M. J.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

Data-driven three-dimensional parametric shape models of the human body have gained enormous popularity both for the analysis of visual data and for the generation of synthetic humans. Following a similar approach for animals does not scale to the multitude of existing animal species, not to mention the difficulty of accessing subjects to scan in 3D. However, we argue that for domestic species of great importance, like the horse, it is a highly valuable investment to put effort into gathering a large dataset of real 3D scans, and learn a realistic 3D articulated shape model. We introduce VAREN, a novel 3D articulated parametric shape model learned from 3D scans of many real horses. VAREN bridges synthesis and analysis tasks, as the generated model instances have unprecedented realism, while being able to represent horses of different sizes and shapes. Differently from previous body models, VAREN has two resolutions, an anatomical skeleton, and interpretable, learned pose-dependent deformations, which are related to the body muscles. We show with experiments that this formulation has superior performance with respect to previous strategies for modeling pose-dependent deformations in the human body case, while also being more compact and allowing an analysis of the relationship between articulation and muscle deformation during articulated motion.


project page paper [BibTex]

project page paper [BibTex]

{ChatPose}: Chatting about 3D Human Pose
ChatPose: Chatting about 3D Human Pose

Feng, Y., Lin, J., Dwivedi, S. K., Sun, Y., Patel, P., Black, M. J.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

We introduce ChatPose, a framework employing Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand and reason about 3D human poses from images or textual descriptions. Our work is motivated by the human ability to intuitively understand postures from a single image or a brief description, a process that intertwines image interpretation, world knowledge, and an understanding of body language. Traditional human pose estimation and generation methods often operate in isolation, lacking semantic understanding and reasoning abilities. ChatPose addresses these limitations by embedding SMPL poses as distinct signal tokens within a multimodal LLM, enabling the direct generation of 3D body poses from both textual and visual inputs. Leveraging the powerful capabilities of multimodal LLMs, ChatPose unifies classical 3D human pose and generation tasks while offering user interactions. Additionally, ChatPose empowers LLMs to apply their extensive world knowledge in reasoning about human poses, leading to two advanced tasks: speculative pose generation and reasoning about pose estimation. These tasks involve reasoning about humans to generate 3D poses from subtle text queries, possibly accompanied by images. We establish benchmarks for these tasks, moving beyond traditional 3D pose generation and estimation methods. Our results show that ChatPose outperforms existing multimodal LLMs and task-specific methods on these newly proposed tasks. Furthermore, ChatPose's ability to understand and generate 3D human poses based on complex reasoning opens new directions in human pose analysis.


Arxiv Project link (url) [BibTex]

Arxiv Project link (url) [BibTex]

{AMUSE}: Emotional Speech-driven {3D} Body Animation via Disentangled Latent Diffusion
AMUSE: Emotional Speech-driven 3D Body Animation via Disentangled Latent Diffusion

Chhatre, K., Daněček, R., Athanasiou, N., Becherini, G., Peters, C., Black, M. J., Bolkart, T.

In Proceedings IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2024 (inproceedings)

Existing methods for synthesizing 3D human gestures from speech have shown promising results, but they do not explicitly model the impact of emotions on the generated gestures. Instead, these methods directly output animations from speech without control over the expressed emotion. To address this limitation, we present AMUSE, an emotional speech-driven body animation model based on latent diffusion. Our observation is that content (i.e., gestures related to speech rhythm and word utterances), emotion, and personal style are separable. To account for this, AMUSE maps the driving audio to three disentangled latent vectors: one for content, one for emotion, and one for personal style. A latent diffusion model, trained to generate gesture motion sequences, is then conditioned on these latent vectors. Once trained, AMUSE synthesizes 3D human gestures directly from speech with control over the expressed emotions and style by combining the content from the driving speech with the emotion and style of another speech sequence. Randomly sampling the noise of the diffusion model further generates variations of the gesture with the same emotional expressivity. Qualitative, quantitative, and perceptual evaluations demonstrate that AMUSE outputs realistic gesture sequences. Compared to the state of the art, the generated gestures are better synchronized with the speech content and better represent the emotion expressed by the input speech.


Project Paper Code link (url) [BibTex]

Project Paper Code link (url) [BibTex]

{MonoHair}: High-Fidelity Hair Modeling from a Monocular Video
MonoHair: High-Fidelity Hair Modeling from a Monocular Video


Wu, K., Yang, L., Kuang, Z., Feng, Y., Han, X., Shen, Y., Fu, H., Zhou, K., Zheng, Y.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

Undoubtedly, high-fidelity 3D hair is crucial for achieving realism, artistic expression, and immersion in computer graphics. While existing 3D hair modeling methods have achieved impressive performance, the challenge of achieving high-quality hair reconstruction persists: they either require strict capture conditions, making practical applications difficult, or heavily rely on learned prior data, obscuring fine-grained details in images. To address these challenges, we propose a generic framework to achieve high-fidelity hair reconstruction from a monocular video, without specific requirements for environments. Our approach bifurcates the hair modeling process into two main stages: precise exterior reconstruction and interior structure inference. The exterior is meticulously crafted using our Patch-based Multi-View Optimization (PMVO). This method strategically collects and integrates hair information from multiple views, independent of prior data, to produce a high-fidelity exterior 3D line map. This map not only captures intricate details but also facilitates the inference of the hair’s inner structure. For the interior, we employ a data-driven, multi-view 3D hair reconstruction method. This method utilizes 2D structural renderings derived from the reconstructed exterior, mirroring the synthetic 2D inputs used during training. This alignment effectively bridges the domain gap between our training data and real-world data, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of our interior structure inference. Lastly, we generate a strand model and resolve the directional ambiguity by our hair growth algorithm. Our experiments demonstrate that our method exhibits robustness across diverse hairstyles and achieves state-of-the-art performance.


Project Arxiv [BibTex]

Project Arxiv [BibTex]

A Unified Approach for Text- and Image-guided 4D Scene Generation
A Unified Approach for Text- and Image-guided 4D Scene Generation

Zheng, Y., Li, X., Nagano, K., Liu, S., Hilliges, O., Mello, S. D.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)


paper project code [BibTex]

paper project code [BibTex]

Real-time Monocular Full-body Capture in World Space via Sequential Proxy-to-Motion Learning
Real-time Monocular Full-body Capture in World Space via Sequential Proxy-to-Motion Learning

Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Hu, L., Zhang, J., Yi, H., Zhang, S., Liu, Y.

In IEEE/CVF Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), CVPR 2024, June 2024 (inproceedings)

Learning-based approaches to monocular motion capture have recently shown promising results by learning to regress in a data-driven manner. However, due to the challenges in data collection and network designs, it remains challenging for existing solutions to achieve real-time full-body capture while being accurate in world space. In this work, we introduce ProxyCap, a human-centric proxy-to-motion learning scheme to learn world-space motions from a proxy dataset of 2D skeleton sequences and 3D rotational motions. Such proxy data enables us to build a learning-based network with accurate world-space supervision while also mitigating the generalization issues. For more accurate and physically plausible predictions in world space, our network is designed to learn human motions from a human-centric perspective, which enables the understanding of the same motion captured with different camera trajectories. Moreover, a contact-aware neural motion descent module is proposed in our network so that it can be aware of foot-ground contact and motion misalignment with the proxy observations. With the proposed learning-based solution, we demonstrate the first real-time monocular full-body capture system with plausible foot-ground contact in world space even using hand-held moving cameras.


arxiv project [BibTex]

arxiv project [BibTex]

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Out-of-Variable Generalization for Discriminative Models

Guo, S., Wildberger, J., Schölkopf, B.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024 (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

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Delphic Offline Reinforcement Learning under Nonidentifiable Hidden Confounding

Pace, A., Yèche, H., Schölkopf, B., Rätsch, G., Tennenholtz, G.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024 (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

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Towards Training Without Depth Limits: Batch Normalization Without Gradient Explosion

Meterez*, A., Joudaki*, A., Orabona, F., Immer, A., Rätsch, G., Daneshmand, H.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024, *equal contribution (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

Fingertip Dynamic Response Simulated Across Excitation Points and Frequencies
Fingertip Dynamic Response Simulated Across Excitation Points and Frequencies

Serhat, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, May 2024 (article)

Predicting how the fingertip will mechanically respond to different stimuli can help explain human haptic perception and enable improvements to actuation approaches such as ultrasonic mid-air haptics. This study addresses this goal using high-fidelity 3D finite element analyses. We compute the deformation profiles and amplitudes caused by harmonic forces applied in the normal direction at four locations: the center of the finger pad, the side of the finger, the tip of the finger, and the oblique midpoint of these three sites. The excitation frequency is swept from 2.5 to 260 Hz. The simulated frequency response functions (FRFs) obtained for displacement demonstrate that the relative magnitudes of the deformations elicited by stimulating at each of these four locations greatly depends on whether only the excitation point or the entire finger is considered. The point force that induces the smallest local deformation can even cause the largest overall deformation at certain frequency intervals. Above 225 Hz, oblique excitation produces larger mean displacement amplitudes than the other three forces due to excitation of multiple modes involving diagonal deformation. These simulation results give novel insights into the combined influence of excitation location and frequency on the fingertip dynamic response, potentially facilitating the design of future vibration feedback devices.


DOI Project Page [BibTex]

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GaitGuide: A Wearable Device for Vibrotactile Motion Guidance

Rokhmanova, N., Martus, J., Faulkner, R., Fiene, J., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Workshop paper (3 pages) presented at the ICRA Workshop on Advancing Wearable Devices and Applications Through Novel Design, Sensing, Actuation, and AI, Yokohama, Japan, May 2024 (misc)

Wearable vibrotactile devices can provide salient sensations that attract the user's attention or guide them to change. The future integration of such feedback into medical or consumer devices would benefit from understanding how vibrotactile cues vary in amplitude and perceived strength across the heterogeneity of human skin. Here, we developed an adhesive vibrotactile device (the GaitGuide) that uses two individually mounted linear resonant actuators to deliver directional motion guidance. By measuring the mechanical vibrations of the actuators via small on-board accelerometers, we compared vibration amplitudes and perceived signal strength across 20 subjects at five signal voltages and four sites around the shank. Vibrations were consistently smallest in amplitude—but perceived to be strongest—at the site located over the tibia. We created a fourth-order linear dynamic model to capture differences in tissue properties across subjects and sites via optimized stiffness and damping parameters. The anterior site had significantly higher skin stiffness and damping; these values also correlate with subject-specific body-fat percentages. Surprisingly, our study shows that the perception of vibrotactile stimuli does not solely depend on the vibration magnitude delivered to the skin. These findings also help to explain the clinical practice of evaluating vibrotactile sensitivity over a bony prominence.


link (url) Project Page [BibTex]

link (url) Project Page [BibTex]

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The Expressive Leaky Memory Neuron: an Efficient and Expressive Phenomenological Neuron Model Can Solve Long-Horizon Tasks

Spieler, A., Rahaman, N., Martius, G., Schölkopf, B., Levina, A.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024 (conference) Accepted

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arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

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Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models

Open X-Embodiment Collaboration ( incl. Guist, S., Schneider, J., Schölkopf, B., Büchler, D. ).

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2024 (conference) Accepted




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Can Large Language Models Infer Causation from Correlation?

Jin, Z., Liu, J., Lyu, Z., Poff, S., Sachan, M., Mihalcea, R., Diab*, M., Schölkopf*, B.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024, *equal supervision (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

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Certified private data release for sparse Lipschitz functions

Donhauser, K., Lokna, J., Sanyal, A., Boedihardjo, M., Hönig, R., Yang, F.

27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), May 2024 (conference) Accepted




Closing the Loop in Minimally Supervised Human-Robot Interaction: Formative and Summative Feedback
Closing the Loop in Minimally Supervised Human-Robot Interaction: Formative and Summative Feedback

Mohan, M., Nunez, C. M., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Scientific Reports, 14(10564):1-18, May 2024 (article)

Human instructors fluidly communicate with hand gestures, head and body movements, and facial expressions, but robots rarely leverage these complementary cues. A minimally supervised social robot with such skills could help people exercise and learn new activities. Thus, we investigated how nonverbal feedback from a humanoid robot affects human behavior. Inspired by the education literature, we evaluated formative feedback (real-time corrections) and summative feedback (post-task scores) for three distinct tasks: positioning in the room, mimicking the robot's arm pose, and contacting the robot's hands. Twenty-eight adults completed seventy-five 30-second-long trials with no explicit instructions or experimenter help. Motion-capture data analysis shows that both formative and summative feedback from the robot significantly aided user performance. Additionally, formative feedback improved task understanding. These results show the power of nonverbal cues based on human movement and the utility of viewing feedback through formative and summative lenses.


DOI Project Page [BibTex]

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Identifying Policy Gradient Subspaces

Schneider, J., Schumacher, P., Guist, S., Chen, L., Häufle, D., Schölkopf, B., Büchler, D.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024 (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

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Emergent mechanisms for long timescales depend on training curriculum and affect performance in memory tasks

Khajehabdollahi, S., Zeraati, R., Giannakakis, E., Schäfer, T. J., Martius, G., Levina, A.

In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2024, May 2024 (inproceedings)


link (url) [BibTex]

link (url) [BibTex]

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Some Intriguing Aspects about Lipschitz Continuity of Neural Networks

Khromov*, G., Singh*, S. P.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024, *equal contribution (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

Ghost on the Shell: An Expressive Representation of General {3D} Shapes
Ghost on the Shell: An Expressive Representation of General 3D Shapes


Liu, Z., Feng, Y., Xiu, Y., Liu, W., Paull, L., Black, M. J., Schölkopf, B.

In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, May 2024 (inproceedings) Accepted

The creation of photorealistic virtual worlds requires the accurate modeling of 3D surface geometry for a wide range of objects. For this, meshes are appealing since they 1) enable fast physics-based rendering with realistic material and lighting, 2) support physical simulation, and 3) are memory-efficient for modern graphics pipelines. Recent work on reconstructing and statistically modeling 3D shape, however, has critiqued meshes as being topologically inflexible. To capture a wide range of object shapes, any 3D representation must be able to model solid, watertight, shapes as well as thin, open, surfaces. Recent work has focused on the former, and methods for reconstructing open surfaces do not support fast reconstruction with material and lighting or unconditional generative modelling. Inspired by the observation that open surfaces can be seen as islands floating on watertight surfaces, we parameterize open surfaces by defining a manifold signed distance field on watertight templates. With this parameterization, we further develop a grid-based and differentiable representation that parameterizes both watertight and non-watertight meshes of arbitrary topology. Our new representation, called Ghost-on-the-Shell (G-Shell), enables two important applications: differentiable rasterization-based reconstruction from multiview images and generative modelling of non-watertight meshes. We empirically demonstrate that G-Shell achieves state-of-the-art performance on non-watertight mesh reconstruction and generation tasks, while also performing effectively for watertight meshes.

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Home Code Video Project [BibTex]

Home Code Video Project [BibTex]

Exploring Weight Bias and Negative Self-Evaluation in Patients with Mood Disorders: Insights from the {BodyTalk} Project,
Exploring Weight Bias and Negative Self-Evaluation in Patients with Mood Disorders: Insights from the BodyTalk Project,

Meneguzzo, P., Behrens, S. C., Pavan, C., Toffanin, T., Quiros-Ramirez, M. A., Black, M. J., Giel, K., Tenconi, E., Favaro, A.

Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, Sec. Psychopathology, May 2024 (article)

Background: Negative body image and adverse body self-evaluation represent key psychological constructs within the realm of weight bias (WB), potentially intertwined with the negative self-evaluation characteristic of depressive symptomatology. Although WB encapsulates an implicit form of self-critical assessment, its exploration among people with mood disorders (MD) has been under-investigated. Our primary goal is to comprehensively assess both explicit and implicit WB, seeking to reveal specific dimensions that could interconnect with the symptoms of MDs. Methods: A cohort comprising 25 MD patients and 35 demographically matched healthy peers (with 83% female representation) participated in a series of tasks designed to evaluate the congruence between various computer-generated body representations and a spectrum of descriptive adjectives. Our analysis delved into multiple facets of body image evaluation, scrutinizing the associations between different body sizes and emotionally charged adjectives (e.g., active, apple-shaped, attractive). Results: No discernible differences emerged concerning body dissatisfaction or the correspondence of different body sizes with varying adjectives. Interestingly, MD patients exhibited a markedly higher tendency to overestimate their body weight (p = 0.011). Explicit WB did not show significant variance between the two groups, but MD participants demonstrated a notable implicit WB within a specific weight rating task for BMI between 18.5 and 25 kg/m2 (p = 0.012). Conclusions: Despite the striking similarities in the assessment of participants’ body weight, our investigation revealed an implicit WB among individuals grappling with MD. This bias potentially assumes a role in fostering self-directed negative evaluations, shedding light on a previously unexplored facet of the interplay between WB and mood disorders.


paper paper link (url) DOI [BibTex]

paper paper link (url) DOI [BibTex]

Parameter-Efficient Orthogonal Finetuning via Butterfly Factorization
Parameter-Efficient Orthogonal Finetuning via Butterfly Factorization

Liu, W., Qiu, Z., Feng, Y., Xiu, Y., Xue, Y., Yu, L., Feng, H., Liu, Z., Heo, J., Peng, S., Wen, Y., Black, M. J., Weller, A., Schölkopf, B.

In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, May 2024 (inproceedings) Accepted

Large foundation models are becoming ubiquitous, but training them from scratch is prohibitively expensive. Thus, efficiently adapting these powerful models to downstream tasks is increasingly important. In this paper, we study a principled finetuning paradigm -- Orthogonal Finetuning (OFT) -- for downstream task adaptation. Despite demonstrating good generalizability, OFT still uses a fairly large number of trainable parameters due to the high dimensionality of orthogonal matrices. To address this, we start by examining OFT from an information transmission perspective, and then identify a few key desiderata that enable better parameter-efficiency. Inspired by how the Cooley-Tukey fast Fourier transform algorithm enables efficient information transmission, we propose an efficient orthogonal parameterization using butterfly structures. We apply this parameterization to OFT, creating a novel parameter-efficient finetuning method, called Orthogonal Butterfly (BOFT). By subsuming OFT as a special case, BOFT introduces a generalized orthogonal finetuning framework. Finally, we conduct an extensive empirical study of adapting large vision transformers, large language models, and text-to-image diffusion models to various downstream tasks in vision and language.

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Home Code HuggingFace project [BibTex]

Home Code HuggingFace project [BibTex]

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Skill or Luck? Return Decomposition via Advantage Functions

Pan, H., Schölkopf, B.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024 (conference) Accepted




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Transformer Fusion with Optimal Transport

Imfeld*, M., Graldi*, J., Giordano*, M., Hofmann, T., Anagnostidis, S., Singh, S. P.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024, *equal contribution (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

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Learning Hierarchical World Models with Adaptive Temporal Abstractions from Discrete Latent Dynamics

Gumbsch, C., Sajid, N., Martius, G., Butz, M. V.

In The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2024, May 2024 (inproceedings)


link (url) [BibTex]

link (url) [BibTex]

Airo{T}ouch: Enhancing Telerobotic Assembly through Naturalistic Haptic Feedback of Tool Vibrations
AiroTouch: Enhancing Telerobotic Assembly through Naturalistic Haptic Feedback of Tool Vibrations

Gong, Y., Husin, H. M., Erol, E., Ortenzi, V., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 11, pages: 1-15, May 2024 (article)

Teleoperation allows workers to safely control powerful construction machines; however, its primary reliance on visual feedback limits the operator's efficiency in situations with stiff contact or poor visibility, hindering its use for assembly of pre-fabricated building components. Reliable, economical, and easy-to-implement haptic feedback could fill this perception gap and facilitate the broader use of robots in construction and other application areas. Thus, we adapted widely available commercial audio equipment to create AiroTouch, a naturalistic haptic feedback system that measures the vibration experienced by each robot tool and enables the operator to feel a scaled version of this vibration in real time. Accurate haptic transmission was achieved by optimizing the positions of the system's off-the-shelf accelerometers and voice-coil actuators. A study was conducted to evaluate how adding this naturalistic type of vibrotactile feedback affects the operator during telerobotic assembly. Thirty participants used a bimanual dexterous teleoperation system (Intuitive da Vinci Si) to build a small rigid structure under three randomly ordered haptic feedback conditions: no vibrations, one-axis vibrations, and summed three-axis vibrations. The results show that users took advantage of both tested versions of the naturalistic haptic feedback after gaining some experience with the task, causing significantly lower vibrations and forces in the second trial. Subjective responses indicate that haptic feedback increased the realism of the interaction and reduced the perceived task duration, task difficulty, and fatigue. As hypothesized, higher haptic feedback gains were chosen by users with larger hands and for the smaller sensed vibrations in the one-axis condition. These results elucidate important details for effective implementation of naturalistic vibrotactile feedback and demonstrate that our accessible audio-based approach could enhance user performance and experience during telerobotic assembly in construction and other application domains.


DOI Project Page [BibTex]

The Poses for Equine Research Dataset {(PFERD)}
The Poses for Equine Research Dataset (PFERD)

Li, C., Mellbin, Y., Krogager, J., Polikovsky, S., Holmberg, M., Ghorbani, N., Black, M. J., Kjellström, H., Zuffi, S., Hernlund, E.

Nature Scientific Data, 11, May 2024 (article)

Studies of quadruped animal motion help us to identify diseases, understand behavior and unravel the mechanics behind gaits in animals. The horse is likely the best-studied animal in this aspect, but data capture is challenging and time-consuming. Computer vision techniques improve animal motion extraction, but the development relies on reference datasets, which are scarce, not open-access and often provide data from only a few anatomical landmarks. Addressing this data gap, we introduce PFERD, a video and 3D marker motion dataset from horses using a full-body set-up of densely placed over 100 skin-attached markers and synchronized videos from ten camera angles. Five horses of diverse conformations provide data for various motions from basic poses (eg. walking, trotting) to advanced motions (eg. rearing, kicking). We further express the 3D motions with current techniques and a 3D parameterized model, the hSMAL model, establishing a baseline for 3D horse markerless motion capture. PFERD enables advanced biomechanical studies and provides a resource of ground truth data for the methodological development of markerless motion capture.


paper [BibTex]

paper [BibTex]

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Causal Modeling with Stationary Diffusions

Lorch, L., Krause*, A., Schölkopf*, B.

27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), May 2024, *equal supervision (conference) Accepted




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Multi-View Causal Representation Learning with Partial Observability

Yao, D., Xu, D., Lachapelle, S., Magliacane, S., Taslakian, P., Martius, G., von Kügelgen, J., Locatello, F.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024 (conference) Accepted

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arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

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Towards Meta-Pruning via Optimal Transport

Theus, A., Geimer, O., Wicke, F., Hofmann, T., Anagnostidis, S., Singh, S. P.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024 (conference) Accepted




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Stochastic Gradient Descent for Gaussian Processes Done Right

Lin*, J. A., Padhy*, S., Antorán*, J., Tripp, A., Terenin, A., Szepesvari, C., Hernández-Lobato, J. M., Janz, D.

Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), May 2024, *equal contribution (conference) Accepted


arXiv [BibTex]

arXiv [BibTex]

{CAPT} Motor: A Strong Direct-Drive Rotary Haptic Interface
CAPT Motor: A Strong Direct-Drive Rotary Haptic Interface

Javot, B., Nguyen, V. H., Ballardini, G., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Hands-on demonstration presented at the IEEE Haptics Symposium, Long Beach, USA, April 2024 (misc)

We have designed and built a new motor named CAPT Motor that delivers continuous and precise torque. It is a brushless ironless motor using a Halbach-magnet ring and a planar axial Lorentz-coil array. This motor is unique as we use a two-phase design allowing for higher fill factor and geometrical accuracy of the coils, as they can all be made separately. This motor outperforms existing Halbach ring and cylinder motors with a torque constant per magnet volume of 9.94 (Nm/A)/dm3, a record in the field. The angular position of the rotor is measured by a high-resolution incremental optical encoder and tracked by a multimodal data acquisition device. The system's control firmware uses this angle measurement to calculate the two-phase motor currents needed to produce the torque commanded by the virtual environment at the rotor's position. The strength and precision of the CAPT Motor's torque and the lack of any mechanical transmission enable unusually high haptic rendering quality, indicating the promise of this new motor design.


link (url) Project Page [BibTex]

link (url) Project Page [BibTex]

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Cutaneous Electrohydraulic (CUTE) Wearable Devices for Multimodal Haptic Feedback

Sanchez-Tamayo, N., Yoder, Z., Ballardini, G., Rothemund, P., Keplinger, C., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Extended abstract (1 page) presented at the IEEE RoboSoft Workshop on Multimodal Soft Robots for Multifunctional Manipulation, Locomotion, and Human-Machine Interaction, San Diego, USA, April 2024 (misc)

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Quantifying Haptic Quality: External Measurements Match Expert Assessments of Stiffness Rendering Across Devices

Fazlollahi, F., Seifi, H., Ballardini, G., Taghizadeh, Z., Schulz, A., MacLean, K. E., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Work-in-progress paper (2 pages) presented at the IEEE Haptics Symposium, Long Beach, USA, April 2024 (misc)


Project Page [BibTex]

Project Page [BibTex]

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Cutaneous Electrohydraulic Wearable Devices for Expressive and Salient Haptic Feedback

Sanchez-Tamayo, N., Yoder, Z., Ballardini, G., Rothemund, P., Keplinger, C., Kuchenbecker, K. J.

Hands-on demonstration presented at the IEEE Haptics Symposium, Long Beach, USA, April 2024 (misc)

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VIPurPCA: Visualizing and Propagating Uncertainty in Principal Component Analysis

Zabel, S., Hennig, P., Nieselt, K.

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 30(4):2011-2022, April 2024 (article)


DOI [BibTex]

DOI [BibTex]

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PILLAR: How to make semi-private learning more effective

Pinto, F., Hu, Y., Yang, F., Sanyal, A.

2nd IEEE Conference on Secure and Trustworthy Machine Learning (SaTML), pages: 110-139, April 2024 (conference)


DOI [BibTex]

DOI [BibTex]